Every person on this earth will need a good night’s sleep if they want to tackle all their daily tasks. When the body doesn’t get this much-needed rest, it may even be prone to disease. People with pre-existing anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder could be most vulnerable to developing sleeping problems.
Insomnia is common with racing thoughts, chronic pain or discomfort, and high-stress environments. Many of these individuals struggle to find relief using traditional over-the-counter medication options and will turn to more natural options like cannabis.
However, an article from the Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoids states that more research may be needed to establish all of the benefits that cannabis use will have in some areas of personal health, although many have already reported improvements in their sleep patterns.
If sleeping is one of those sensitive topics because it keeps eluding you and holds you back from functioning at your best the next day, then it may be time to consider how cannabis could positively affect your sleep quality:
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Falling Asleep Becomes Effortless
Most patients who report sleeping issues to medical professionals would note that one of the biggest problems with their sleep is that they can’t seem to fall asleep quickly. Patients with a high level of discomfort, like chronic pain or incurable cancer, among other conditions, will probably ask their doctors for a sleep aid.
Doctors may be reluctant to prescribe sleeping tablets as a solution, as the pills could be highly habit-forming, meaning their patients couldn’t sleep after a while if they don’t use their sleeping tablets. The body can also become used to the chemicals, which could tempt patients to use more of the drug.
Fortunately, there are new laws in place in some states regarding the use of medical marijuana, and patients can now consider using this more natural approach for their sleep health. Companies like ReThink-Rx, among others, have set up convenient online platforms where patients can apply for and get their medical marijuana card.
Dreamless Sleep Is Possible
What a weird thought for a perfectly healthy individual—sleeping without dreaming? Why would anyone give up their dreams of being at a beach with a drink in hand? Unfortunately, not all patients have pleasant dreams, especially those who have been through a traumatic experience.
Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety may have crippling thoughts and dreams that could make them not want to sleep. The flashbacks, memories, and intrusive thoughts could all seem to float away on a cloud when these patients use their medical marijuana.
Because of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis, the brain allows for a more extended period of deep sleep, avoiding the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep cycle or shortening it. The nightmares, memories, and anxieties will usually manifest themselves during REM, making cannabis the perfect sleep partner for a quality sleep session for these patients.
Relaxing The Entire Body
Stress and trauma could make muscles all over the body tense up. Most commonly, in the back and neck. For patients with chronic pain and arthritic type illnesses, widespread body pain or pain in specific joints could be very troublesome.
Tense muscles could keep the brain active as they constantly register the person’s discomfort. By using medical cannabis, the person will feel their stiff and tensed-up muscles relax, giving them a better chance of falling asleep and getting more rest. It may be especially true when they can conveniently pop a cannabis gummy or drop the oil into their mouth before drifting off.
Increases Sleep Time
Even if cannabis could be a mind-altering substance, it will depend on the blend of the product patients use that will provide the various benefits. A lower dose of THC could have a sedative effect for the patient, while more significant concentrations create an altered state of mind and alertness.
It is essential, however, to ensure that the blend contains the correct balance for the patient’s individual needs so that they receive the optimal amount of cannabidiols like THC to increase their sleep time. As cannabis will have the same effect as a sleeping tablet when patients take it correctly, it could be a good substitute for sleeping pills that would also make a patient sleep for longer.
The Final Words
With ever-increasing pressure from external factors like high-demand jobs, there has been a sharp rise in the number of people that struggle to get some shut-eye. Not only are these becoming more conscious of the chemicals they consume, but doctors would also prefer a more natural option that will effectively help to treat their patient’s sleep issues.
Going through all the proper channels and listening to the advice of medical professionals could see the patient receiving their dose of feel-good legally while enjoying all the benefits it may hold for their quality of sleep.