Friday, January 17, 2025
HomeHealthWhat is the cause of migraines? What are the possible risk factors?

What is the cause of migraines? What are the possible risk factors?

What is a migraine? How does a migraine feel like?

The migraine is a frequent neurological disorder that triggers various symptoms, including the throbbing, pulsing migraine on the opposite side of your head. The symptoms of migraine are likely to become more severe with physical activity as well as light, sound or smells. It could last for at least 4 hours or more. Around 12% of Americans suffer from this genetic disorder. Studies show that it’s the sixth most debilitating disease in the world.What is the cause of migraines? What are the possible risk factors?

What are the different types of headaches? What is migraine?

There are over 150 different types of headaches. They’re which are classified into two categories Primary headaches as well as secondary. The term “primary headache” refers to meaning it’s not due to a medical issue. Primary headaches are medical diagnosis, which means that there’s no test for blood or imaging study to identify it. Secondary headaches are a indication of another health issue.

Is it an aura?

The term “aura” refers to a set of motor, sensory and speech-related symptoms that generally serve as warning signs that migraine headaches are likely to be about to start. It is often thought of as a seizure, or stroke. However, an aura usually occurs before the headache pain however, it can also occur in the middle or following. An aura may last for between 10 and 60 minutes. Around 15%-20 percent of those who suffer from migraines experience auras.

Aura symptoms can be reversed which means they can be treated or stopped. Aura symptoms could include:

  • You can see bright flashing dots sparks, lights, or sparkles.
  • In your eyes.
  • Skin tingling or feeling numb.
  • Speech changes.
  • Ringing in your ear (tinnitus).
  • Temporary loss of vision.
  • The lines appear jagged or wavy.
  • Changes in taste or smell.
  • It’s a “funny” feeling.

What are the various types of migraines?

There are many types of migraine, and the identical type can be referred to by various names:

  • Migraine that has an Aura (complicated migraine):Around 15% to 20% of those suffering from migraine headaches have an aura.
  • Migraine with no aura (common migraine): This type of migraine headache is not accompanied by the warning that an aura could provide. The symptoms are identical however, the phase does not occur.
  • Migraine with no headaches: “Silent migraine” or “acephalgic migraine,” as this type of migraine is also known as, is a condition that includes the aura symptom , but does not include the headache that usually follows.
  • Hemiplegic migraine It is a intermittent dizziness (hemiplegia) as well as sensory or neurological issues on the opposite part of the body. The first signs of headache could be accompanied by the sensation of numbness or weakness on the affected side of your body as well as a tingling feeling, the loss of sensation, blurred vision or dizziness. Sometimes, it is associated with head pain , and other times it isn’t.
  • Retinal headache (ocular migraine): You may be able to notice a brief, temporary or total visual loss in just one or both of your eyes as well as an ache that isn’t as severe behind the eye that could extend to the rest of your head. This loss of vision can last up to a minute or for as long as months. Always report any retinal migraine to your healthcare doctor as it could be an indication of a larger problem.
  • Chronic migraine A chronic migraine is one that is experienced at least once per month. The symptoms could change regularly as does the intensity of the pain. People who suffer from frequent migraines may be taking medication for headaches over a period of 10 to 15 times per month. This, unfortunately, may cause headaches to occur frequently.
  • Migraine that has brainstem aura. If you suffer from this type of migraine you’ll feel dizzy as well as slurred speech, dual vision, or the loss of balance that are experienced prior to headaches. The pain from headaches can affect the head’s back. The symptoms are usually sudden and may be accompanied by difficulty speaking clearly, ringing in the ears and vomiting.
  • Status Migranosus. It is a rare, severe form of migraine that lasts for more than 72 hours. The nausea and headache can be very severe. Some medications or withdrawal, may cause you to suffer from this type of migraine.

Are there four phases or phases of migraine? What is the timeframe?

The four stages, in chronological order are called the prodrome (pre-monitory) and aura headache, and postdrome. Around 30% of patients have symptoms before headache begins.

The phases include:

Prodrome First stage is only a couple of hours long, or it could last for days. It is possible that you will not experience it, as it might not occur each time. It is sometimes referred to is known as”the “preheadache” or “premonitory” phase.

Aura Aura: may last for as long as 60 minutes or as low as five minutes. The majority of people do not experience an aura. However, there are those who experience both the aura and headache in the same day.

Headache Four hours up to 72 hours is the duration of long the headache can last. The term “ache” doesn’t do the sensation justice, as it can be mild, but generally it’s described as being throbbing, drilling or throbbing, or you might be able to feel an electric sensation inside your head. The majority of the time, it begins on the one facet of your skull, and it spreads to the opposite side.

Postdrome This stage can last for a week or two. It’s commonly referred to as”a headache “hangover” and 80% of migraine sufferers have it.

It could take anywhere from eight or 72 hours complete the four phases.

How prevalent are migraine headaches?

Experts believe that more than 50% of adults suffers from headaches. 12percent of Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Women are triple more likely males to suffer from migraines.

Who is affected by migraines? What are the possible risk factors?

It’s hard to know the people who could suffer from migraines and who might not however there are some risk factors that can make you more susceptible. The risk factors are:

  • Genetics up to 80 percent of people suffering from migraine headaches have a primary family member who suffers from the condition.
  • Genre. Migraine headaches happen to women more often than males, particularly women aged between 15 to 55. It’s more likely to be prevalent in women due to the effects by hormonal changes.
  • Level of stress. You may get migraines more often when you’re under stress. Stress can trigger migraines.
  • Smoking.

When do headaches occur?

The frequency of migraine may occur once per year, every week, or anything between. Two or four headaches each month is the most frequent.

Are migraines genetic?

Migraines typically run through families. Four out of five sufferers with migraines have a history of the disease in their family. If one parent suffers from migraines, the child has 50% of the chance of developing migraines. If both parents suffer from migraines, the chance increases to 75 percent. Also, 80 percent of those suffering from migraines are related to a first-degree relative who suffers from the condition.

Can children get migraines?

Yes, but the symptoms for children are usually shorter and they have more stomach-related symptoms.

Who should I consult for my migraine?

Talk about any symptoms that you have with your healthcare physician first. They can identify migraine headaches and initiate treatment. It is possible to request the referral of an expert in headaches.

Do migraines cause permanent brain damage? If I suffer from migraines, do you think I’ll contract another illness?

No. Migraines don’t cause brain damage.

There is a small risk of stroke for those who suffer from migraines that cause aura. It’s about one or two people from 100,000.


What are the signs of migraines? ?

The main manifestation of migraine is headache. The pain is often described as throbbing or pounding. It could start with a dull ache, but becomes pulsing pain which is mild, moderate , or severe. If you don’t treat it the headache pain can turn into severe to moderate. The pain can move from the part of the head and opposite or be felt in the front of your head, your rear of the head, or appear to be all over your head. There are people who experience pain in their eye or temples, and occasionally on their face, in their sinuses jaw, neck or.

Other signs of migraine headaches comprise:

  • Sensitivity to noise, light and smells.
  • Vomiting and nausea, stomach upset and abdominal discomfort.
  • A loss of appetite.
  • Feeling extremely comfortable (sweating) as well as feeling cold (chills).
  • Pale skin color (pallor).
  • I’m feeling tired.
  • Blurred vision and dizziness.
  • Hair that is tender.
  • Diarrhea (rare).
  • Fever (rare).

Most migraines last around four hours, but the more severe migraines can last longer.

Each stage of the migraine attack could be associated with distinct symptoms.

Signs of Prodrome

  • Troubles with concentration.
  • Depression, Irritability or depression.
  • Trouble speaking and reading.
  • Trouble sleeping. Yawning.
  • Nausea.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sensitivity to sound and light.
  • Food cravings.
  • Urination rate increases.
  • Muscle stiffness.

The symptoms of Aura:

  • Tingling and numbness.
  • Visual disturbances. It is possible that you are seeing the world through an kaleidoscope, see blurry spots or sparkles or lines.
  • A temporary loss of vision.
  • Instability to one body part.
  • Speech changes.

Signs of Headache:

  • Neck stiffness, pain.
  • Giddiness, depression and/or anxiety.
  • Sensitivity to smell, light and hearing.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

The symptoms of Postdrome

  • Inability to focus.
  • Depression.
  • Fatigue.
  • Incomprehension.
  • The mood is euphoric.

What is the cause of migraines?

The reason for migraine headaches is complex and poorly comprehended. If you experience headaches, it is because certain nerves in your blood vessels transmit messages of pain to the brain. These release inflammatory chemicals to the nerves and blood vessels in your head. It’s not clear why your nerves release that inflammatory substance.

What triggers migraines?

Attacks of the migraine are caused by a myriad of causes. The most frequent triggers are:

  • Stress from emotions . Stress from emotions is among the most frequent triggers for migraine headaches. When stressful situations occur certain chemicals within your brain get released in order to deal with the stressful situation (known by”flight or fight” response) “flight or fight” response). In the event of a stressful situation, these chemicals could cause migraines. Other emotions such as fear, anxiety and excitement may increase the tension of muscles as well as dilate blood vessels. This can cause migraines to become more intense.
  • Not eating a meal. Delaying a meal can trigger migraine headache.
  • Sensitivity to particular chemical preservatives and chemicals in food. Certain foods and drinks, such as aged cheese, alcohol-based drinks chocolate, food additives, such as Nitrates (found in hot dogs, and luncheon meats) along with fermented, pickled or fermented items may be the cause of up 30 percent of migraines.
  • Caffeine. Too high levels of caffeine or withdrawal of caffeine can trigger headaches when caffeine levels suddenly decreases. The blood vessels appear to be irritated by caffeine and if you do not feel it, headaches might be experienced. Caffeine can be recommended by health professionals to treat migraines that are acute, but it shouldn’t be used regularly.
  • The daily use of pain-relieving medication. If you are using a medicine to alleviate headache pain too often, it can result in an increase in headache.
  • Women’s hormones change for the female. Migraines in women are more frequent during the period that they experience their menstrual cycle. The sudden decrease in estrogen that causes menstrual cycles may also trigger migraines. Changes in hormones can be caused by birth control pills as well as the hormone therapy. Migraines tend to be more severe during puberty and menopausal because these changes in estrogen usually don’t affect young women or postmenopausal women. If hormones are the main cause to your migraines it is possible that you experience fewer headaches following menopausal. The hormonal changes aren’t likely to trigger migraines for males.
  • The light. Flashing lights, lighting from fluorescent bulbs or light sources like the computer or TV, and even sunlight could trigger your alarm.

Other triggers that could be involved are:

  • Changes in weather conditions, such as storm fronts, barometric pressure fluctuations as well as strong winds and changes in altitude.
  • Overly tired. Overexertion.
  • Drinking too much or not drinking enough drinking enough water.
  • Sleep patterns can change. pattern.
  • Loud noises.
  • Exposition to perfumes, smoke or other scents.
  • Certain medicines can cause blood vessels to expand.
What is the cause of migraines
What is the cause of migraines


What is an e-book for migraines?

  • A migraine journal can be not just beneficial for you, but it also aids your doctor with diagnosing. Your diary should be complete and kept as current as is possible prior to or following a migraine attack. You should keep an eye on the following factors:
  • The date and the time when the migraine started specifically, the time when the prodrome began in the event that you are able to detect that it’s occurring. Track time passing. What time did the aura phase start? The headache? The postdrome? Do your best to identify the stage you’re at and how long it will last. If you can identify a pattern this could help you figure out what’s to come in the near future.
  • How do you know if your condition is a problem? Please be specific.
  • Take note of how much sleep you got prior to the incident and also how stressed you are. What’s making you stressed?
  • Take note of the weather.
  • Record your food and water consumption. Did you consume something that caused the migraine? Did you skip a meal?
  • Write down the cause of the pain and rank it on a 1 to 10-scale where 10 is the worst pain you’ve ever had.
  • What is where your pain? The or the other side? Your jaw? Your eye?
  • Make a list of all the medications you have taken. This includes daily prescriptions including supplements, and any pain medication you have taken.
  • What did you do to alleviate your migraine and was it successful? What medications did you use in what dose and when?
  • Think about other possible triggers. Perhaps you were playing basketball in the sunshine? Perhaps you saw a film with flashing lights? If you’re female is she on her period?

There are several smartphone applications that you can use to create an eye-strain journal if don’t have the pen or paper.

How do you diagnose migraines?

In order to diagnose a migraine, your doctor will take an extensive medical history. This includes not only your own history of headaches, but your family’s too. Additionally, they’ll need to know the history of your migraine-related symptoms. probably noting:

  • Define your headache symptoms. What is the severity?
  • Remember when you got these. In your period, say?
  • Define the kind and area of the pain. Are you feeling pain? Pulsing? Throbbing?
  • Keep in mind if something causes your headache get worse or worse.
  • Inform us how often you experience migraine headaches.
  • Discuss the events that caused stress, food, or other situations that could cause migraine.
  • Discuss which medications you use to ease pain , and the frequency you are taking them.
  • Write about how you felt prior to, after and during the headache.
  • Be aware if someone in your family suffers from migraine headaches.

Your doctor may also require blood tests and scans (such as an CT scan or an an MRI) to confirm there aren’t any other reasons that are causing your pain. A Electroencephalogram (EEG) may be required to rule out seizures.

What signs must you show in order to be diagnosed with migraine?

Migraine that is accompanied by aura (complicated migraine). This is an aura headache. It also includes:

  • Visual symptoms (seeing spots, sparkles and lines) or loss of vision.
  • Sensitive symptoms (feeling Pins and needles for instance).

Migraine with no aura (common migraine). A common migraine can be described as a headache:

  • The attacks caused discomfort on the head on one side.
  • At the very least, you’ve experienced five attacks that lasted between 4 to 72 hours.

Additionally, you’ve experienced at the very least one of these:

  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • If you are worried about light, you prefer not to be around lights.
  • If you are worried about sounds, you prefer not to hear.

Are migraines misdiagnosed?

Sometimes, you or your healthcare professional might think that the pain you’re experiencing is due to sinus headaches or a tension headache. Provide your healthcare professional with your migraine journal so they are aware of the specific circumstances that you face.


How can migraines be treated?

Migraine headaches can be chronic. They cannot be treated however, they can be treated and perhaps improved. There are two primary treatments that make use of medication that are preventive and abortive.

  • Abortive medicines are the most effective when used them in the initial signs of migraine. Utilize them when the pain is minimal. Through possibly stopping the process of headache Abortive medication can reduce or stop migraine symptoms, such as nausea, pain and light sensitivity. Certain medications for abortive use are effective by enlarging blood vessels, which brings their normality back, and alleviating the pain.
  • Prevention (prophylactic) medications may be prescribed if your headaches are intense, occur more than four times per month, and interfere with your routine activities. Preventive medicines reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. The majority of medications are used on a regular everyday basis to reduce the risk of migraines.

What are the medications used to treat migraine pain?

The over-the-counter medicines are beneficial for those suffering from mild to moderate migraines. The principal components of pain relievers include ibuprofen aspirin and aspirin as well as acetaminophen, as naproxen, caffeine and naproxen.

Three prescription drugs accepted by the Food and Drug Administration for migraine headaches are:

  • Excedrin(r) Migraine.
  • Advil(r) Migraine.
  • Motrin(r) Migraine Pain.

Be careful when you take medicines for pain relief that are available over-the-counter. Sometime, overuse can lead to analgesicand migraines that rebound and a dependency issue. If you’re using any prescription pain medication more than two or three every week, you should inform your physician. They could suggest prescription medication that are more efficient.

Prescription medications for migraine headaches comprise:

What is the cause of migraines

Triptan drug class (these constitute abortives):

  • Sumatriptan.
  • Zolmitriptan.
  • Naratriptan.

Calcium channel blockers:

  • Verapamil.

The Calcitonin Gene-Related (CGRP) monoclonal antibody:

  • Erenumab.
  • Fremanezumab.
  • Galcanezumab.
  • Eptinezumab.

Beta Blockers:

  • Atenolol.
  • Propranolol.
  • Nadolol.


  • Amitriptyline.
  • Nortriptyline.
  • Doxepin.
  • Venlafaxine.
  • Duloxetine.

Antiseizure drugs:

  • Valproic acid.
  • Topiramate.


  • Steroids.
  • Phenothiazines.
  • Corticosteroids.

Your physician may suggest minerals, vitamins, or herbal remedies, for example:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2).
  • Magnesium.
  • Feverfew.
  • Butterbur.
  • Co-enzyme Q10.

The medications to ease migraine pain are available in a variety of formulations, including tablets, pills or injections, suppositories, suppositories or nasal sprays. Your healthcare professional and you will discuss the particular treatment, dosage and formulas that will best suit your specific headache needs.

The use of drugs to ease nausea is often prescribed, when needed.

All medicines should be taken under the guidance of a specialist in headaches or a medical professional who is familiar with migraine treatment. Like all medications it’s essential to adhere to the instructions on the label and your physician’s recommendations.

Alternative migraine treatment methods which are also known by the name of home remedies comprise:

  • Resting in a dark, quiet, cool room.
  • Applying the cold compress or washcloth on your forehead or your neck. (Some people prefer heat.)
  • Massaging your scalp.
  • Yoga.
  • Pressing your temples using an arc.
  • Keep yourself in a peaceful state. Meditating.
  • Biofeedback.

What’s biofeedback?

Biofeedback refers to the use of equipment that is attached on your head. The device analyzes the tension within your body and warns you to reduce stress and alters the physiological processes associated with stress. It’s not necessary to use the device forever since you’ll be able to recognize the tension in your body on your own. The device can be used on children and adults.

Are there surgical procedures available to help with migraines?

The use of surgical treatments is not typically advised for migraine headaches.

What are the best treatment options to treat migraine headaches during the course of pregnancy?

Avoid taking migraine medications if you’re pregnantor you suspect you’re expecting. They could negatively impact the baby. If your doctor’s approval is granted you might be able take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as Acetaminophen.


Are migraines able to be avoided?

There isn’t a cure for migraine headaches, however you can play an active part to manage them. perhaps less frequently you will experience migraines, and perhaps reducing the severity of them by following these suggestions:

  • Keep a migraine diary. Keep a note of any food or other triggers you believe could have led the development of a migraine. Make adjustments to your diet, and avoid causes as far as you can.
  • Find a doctor’s medical prescription to CGRP monoclonal antibody. This particular injection was developed for migraine sufferers.
  • Sleep between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Eat at regular intervals. Don’t skip meals. Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get active regularly to maintain your weight in a healthy way.
  • Learn how to manage stress including yoga, meditation and relaxation exercises, as well as mindfulness breathing.
  • Use medicationas prescribed by your healthcare physician. Antidepressants are among the preventative medicines that include medicines to prevent seizures, calcitonin-related Peptides, medications that reduce blood pressure, and Botox injections. It is possible that you will be prescribed Timolol, amitriptyline and topiramate along with divalproex. It is important to note that some of these similar medications that can aid in managing migraines could also be used to prevent migraines.
  • Consult your doctor regarding hormone therapy if you suffer from migraines are believed to be connected to the menstrual cycle.
  • Try the transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation device. The electrical stimulator device powered by batteries has been authorized by the Food and Drug Administration to help prevent migraines. The device, which can be worn as an armband or headband arm, produces electrical charges. The electrical charge stimulates the nerve responsible for transmitting certain of the symptoms that is experienced during migraine headaches. (The device might have no coverage through your medical insurance.)
  • See a therapist for counseling to help manage your anxiety. Consult your health care provider to refer you.

What’s the outlook (outlook) for patients suffering from migraines?

Migraines are distinct to every person. The way in which the treatment of migraines is individual to each person. The most effective results are typically attained by learning about and avoiding triggers for migraines that are personal to you as well as managing symptoms, using prevention methods and following the recommendations of your physician and reporting any changes when they happen.

Do you have a solution for migraines?

While there’s no treatment, there’s methods that can help you deal with the symptoms.

How long do I expect to have headaches from migraines?

There is a chance that you will be suffering from migraine headaches throughout your life. If the migraines you experience originate from your menstrual cycle it is possible that you will stop experiencing headaches when menopausal symptoms begin.

What is the cause of migraines
What is the cause of migraines


What is the best time to seek immediate assistance, or speak with my doctor?

Go to 911 or an emergency department as soon as you can If:

  • You’re experiencing what is known as the “worst headache of my life.”
  • You’re experiencing neurologic symptoms that you’ve never experienced before, like difficulty speaking balance issues vision issues as well as seizures, mental confusion or the sensation of tingling or numbness.
  • Your headache is sudden and suddenly it starts.
  • A headache occurs following an injury to your head.

Make an appointment with your health care provider If:

  • The severity or number of your headaches increases or the pattern of your headaches change.
  • Your medication doesn’t seem to be working, or you’re experiencing different or new adverse effects.

Which questions can I be asking my doctor?

  • Can my child get rid of migraines?
  • What medicines do you suggest for me?
  • What can I do to change my lifestyle in order to reduce my migraine headaches?
  • Do I have to be checked?
  • What kind of migraine am I suffering from?
  • What can my family and friends can they do to assist me?
  • Can my headaches be considered to be chronic?

A note from the Cleveland Clinic

The effects of migraine headaches are a nightmare and make it impossible for you to attend school, work or perform other everyday activities. However, there are ways to avoid a migraine as well as other methods to to manage and bear the effects. Consult your doctor to prevent migraines from consuming your life.

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