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HomeHealthEverything You Need To Know About Bacterial Infections

Everything You Need To Know About Bacterial Infections

Bacteria are single cells. They are present in many parts of our environment. In other words, there are tons of bacteria everywhere. There are even many inside your body, particularly your digestive system. However, some of them are bad. The result is an Bacterial Infections in whichever part of the body the harmful bacteria inhabit. While some are mild, others can be serious. Here is everything you need to know about these conditions. 

What Are Some Symptoms?

Since there are so many different types of infections, the type and location of the symptoms will vary. However, you can expect a few general symptoms to present with a bacterial infection, including fever, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, and vomiting or nausea. 

What Causes Them?

Much like a fungal disease, these infections occur when there is a rise in harmful bacteria inside the body. The bacteria enters your body via cuts in your skin or through airways. 

When Should You Visit a Doctor?

While many of these infections can be remedied with over-the-counter medicine, some require a doctor’s visit. If you have difficulty breathing, cough, phlegm, red or swollen skin, fever, excessive vomiting, bloody excrement, stomach pain, severe headache, or painful wound, it is time to see a doctor. 

Are There Serious Complications?

Any of these more severe symptoms should be treated by a doctor to avoid any serious complications that can occur. For example, an infection in a scrape can quickly become cellulitis, which can become sepsis. Sepsis is a blood infection that causes organ failure or even death. In other words, bacterial conditions can soon become a medical emergency. 

How Are They Treated?

The treatment you will receive for this type of infection is antibiotics. These pills are designed to kill harmful bacteria. Once the threat has been mitigated, your immune system can take over again and restore your health. The antibiotic you receive will depend on what type of bacteria is causing your infection. Sometimes, you will receive broad-spectrum antibiotics, which attack multiple types of bacteria. Women often have to face bacterial infections in vagina and it can be dealt with the help of probiotics for BV

Can They be Prevented?

Bacteria can spread readily among people, but there are measures you can take to protect yourself. To avoid most infections, wash your hands frequently, cover your nose and mouth with your elbow when sneezing or coughing, and avoid sharing cups, bottles, and utensils. 

Harmful bacteria can invade your body and cause an infection. Knowing this information can help you take proactive measures to stay healthy. 

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