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HomeHealthResearch Study :Physicochemical Of Pantal River ,Dagupan City Ep 9

Research Study :Physicochemical Of Pantal River ,Dagupan City Ep 9


This chapter has the summary and conclusions obtained by the study and recommendations of Physicochemical Of Pantal River the study and recommendations by the researchers for future use.


As water is essential to life, it is duty of every individual to restore the quality of the contaminated water as before. To facilitate such change, it is very necessary to know about the quality of water of the water bodies around us. So the researchers undertook the physicochemical analysis to determine the various physicochemical parameters of the water of Pantalriver. Temperature, pH, Turbidity, Salinity, BOD, Dissolved oxygen were some of the physical characteristics taken into account. Amount of ammonia, nitrite and phosphate are the chemical characteristics taken into account.

The study used experimental research design employing simple group design to determine the various physicochemical parameters present with in the stretch of Pantal River. The researcher collected water sample from five stations along the stretch of the Pantal River starting at the back of NBI and ends at the Back of LNU General High school. There is a 100 meters difference in terms of distance from the first sampling site until the end of the sampling site. All water samples gathered were properly labelled and was brought directly to the Limnology Department of Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BonuanBinloc Dagupan City, where water analysis was done. All data was treated statistically using weighted mean and One way Analysis of Variance.

Statistical mean helped to get average values of the physicochemical characteristics of the five stations. Based on the results given by BFAR, the mean values are found for the physicochemical parameters. Temperature (29.06oC), pH (7.9), Dissolved Oxygen (4.5), Turbidity (26.0), Total hardness (560.20 mg/L), Total suspended Solids (20.73 mg/L), Biological Oxygen Demand (3.85), Phosphate (0.135mg/L), Nitrite (0.513 mg/L) and Ammonia (0.22 mg/L) are the physicochemical parameters of Pantal river water. The Analysis of Variance gave the computed f value as 0.046. From the ANOVA table, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the physicochemical characteristics of the water within the five stations.


  • Based on the results of the study, the mean values are found for the physicochemical parameters. Temperature (29.06oC), pH (7.9), Dissolved Oxygen (4.5), Turbidity (26.0 NTU), Total hardness (560.20 mg/L), Total suspended Solids (20.73 mg/L), Biological Oxygen Demand (3.85 mg/l), Phosphate (0.135mg/L), Nitrite (0.513 mg/L) and Ammonia (0.22 mg/L) are the physicochemical parameters of Pantal river water.
  • Comparing from the results of the physicochemical analysis to the standards as said by WHO and ICMR which are accepted by BFAR, temperature (29.06oC to 30oC), water pH (7.9 to 6.5-8.5), Salinity (12.31ppt to 0.5-36ppt), Phosphate (0.135 to 0.4 mg/L), Nitrite (0.513 to 1.0 mg/L) and Ammonia (0.22 to 1.0 mg/L) are the physicochemical parameters that agree with the standard values whereas Dissolved Oxygen (4.5 to 5.0-8.0 mg/L), Turbidity (26.0 to 5 NTU), Total Hardness (560.20 to 300 mg/L), Total Suspended Solids (20.73 to 5 mg/l) and BOD (3.85 to 5.0-7.0 mg/L) are the physicochemical characteristics that do not agree with the standard values.
  • There is no significant difference between the physicochemical characteristics and the five stations analysed since the critical f is greater than the computed f.


            Based on the physicochemical analysis done choosing five stations at Pantal at the mouth of the Pantal River, the researchers come to the following conclusions.

  1. It is concluded that the river water is not very polluted and it comes under Class C river as per DAO-WQI (Department of Agricultural Organizations, Water Quality Index). PENRO also confirms that the river water which is brackish can be used for agriculture, irrigation,fishing and even as drinking water after proper water treatment.
  2. Though the values of turbidity, hardness, TDS, DO and BOD do not agree with the non-contaminated river  as said by WHO, ICMR and BFAR, the physicochemical parameter values agree with that of DAO-Water Quality Index thus the river comes under Class C as per DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources).
  3. The researchers also calculated that the significance difference between the physicochemical characteristics and the stations is 0.046.
Suspended Solids


  1. The researchers recommend that the physicochemical characteristics of the research to be done in different seasons like Rainy season, Summer to analyse the quality of the water.
  2. The researchers also recommend to research on the biological properties of Pantal river, the phytoremediation property of aquatic plants in Pantal river water, growth and metabolism of brackish water livings etc.,
  3. The researchers also recommendto conduct further research on the other physicochemical parameters both qualitatively and quantitatively.

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